Friday, May 18, 2012

...So I have a webcomic! It's on hiatus this week because of Editor Things, but it's called HotStuff and there's a link up there on your right.

And that's my obligatory READ MY WEBCOMIC of the day.

The Great Big jove & Tiff Dump

So, here's a probably a pretty good place to dump the development stuff for this. I had a class one quarter that gave me a great chance to do a lot of development for another story I've been toying with called The Life and Times of Jove & Tiff. It's a fantasy universe with a lot of Medieval European-based aesthetics. Also, magic. Also, a lot of fantasy critters running around.

There's...there's a lot of it, so I'm gonna put it behind a cut. There's nothing particularly scandalous, though.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Krillit dump

Throwing up some things regarding a pet project of sorts called Krillit Can Drill It!, a touching (not really) story about mole people.

Krillit the mole person.

Rikket the shrew person.
Krillit's Grammy Crammit
 Anty Lyon, tiny skeevy record producer.