Friday, May 18, 2012

The Great Big jove & Tiff Dump

So, here's a probably a pretty good place to dump the development stuff for this. I had a class one quarter that gave me a great chance to do a lot of development for another story I've been toying with called The Life and Times of Jove & Tiff. It's a fantasy universe with a lot of Medieval European-based aesthetics. Also, magic. Also, a lot of fantasy critters running around.

There's...there's a lot of it, so I'm gonna put it behind a cut. There's nothing particularly scandalous, though.

A really fast, sloppy and truly terrible map, but it's easier to explain this world layout visually. Nursanctum is about 3,000 miles across, and the landscape is much like the European Plains. Up north is the Highlands, a snowy, mountainous deathtrap of ridiculous proportions. Down south is the Aridis Desert, also a ridiculous deathtrap, now in desert flavour. The red line marks off the explored territory. We...haven't gotten very far.

 Tiff(any), farmer's daughter/tiny angry screaming thing. Her family's originally from the lower Highlands. She speaks (okay screams) in a thick, basically Irish accent. The big scary knife is a ~*magic*~ heirloom passed down in her family.

 Jove, her...obviously adopted brother. No one's actually sure what he is at the beginning of the story.

A gaggle of species running around their little world. Click through for all the taxonomy and things.

Fun times in the Aridis Desert.

Developy things for Jove's species, Homorepens Pentabrachiones. They're actually a weird single-gender offshot of the primate evolution line and there's a lot of weird biology involved and this post is big enough. One day I'll make an explain-y post for a bunch of critters, I imagine.

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