Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Can I put WIPs here? I'm gonna put a WIP here

Thinkin’ about story plots where humanity's being ravaged by parasitoid insects *(*´∀`*)☆ #justgirlythings

A section of the reference sheet I'm working on at the moment.


I'm toying with the idea of a terrible schlocky dating sim involving monster people aaaand some of my work recently happened to involve a few characters I was kicking around. I have some environment stuff I want to do for it first and then I'll post some sketch stuff. Until then, take these.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I haven't worked in scratchboard for like a year and I miss it a lot

 Here's what came out of it last time I did. Illustrations for H.P. Lovecraft's The Nameless City.

Oh I do colours too

Pages are from Junji Ito's Den of the Sleep Demon.  If you haven't read anything by Ito yet, he's absolutely excellent. Colours are mine, and are a little old but I thought they still held up okay.

Fish, My God!

Concept work for a species called Domed Seadevils (caulophyrne vitreoceps). Animal Anatomy was a great class.

Cut for a lot of images, but nothing scandalous.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Spiders, My God!

I’m doing concept work for a couple of senior projects right now, and SOMEONE gave me the go ahead to start posting things from theirs.



More from the gore challenge

Cut for NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Again.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

So there's this gore challenge floating around...

And I just thought it was the bee's knees. Because if there's one thing I love painting, it's the most upsetting subjects imaginable.

You can find the list if you google "Guro33". I decided to do all mine as speedpaints. First three are under the cut! NOT SAFE FOR WORK, obviously.


Friday, May 18, 2012

...So I have a webcomic! It's on hiatus this week because of Editor Things, but it's called HotStuff and there's a link up there on your right.

And that's my obligatory READ MY WEBCOMIC of the day.

The Great Big jove & Tiff Dump

So, here's a probably a pretty good place to dump the development stuff for this. I had a class one quarter that gave me a great chance to do a lot of development for another story I've been toying with called The Life and Times of Jove & Tiff. It's a fantasy universe with a lot of Medieval European-based aesthetics. Also, magic. Also, a lot of fantasy critters running around.

There's...there's a lot of it, so I'm gonna put it behind a cut. There's nothing particularly scandalous, though.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Krillit dump

Throwing up some things regarding a pet project of sorts called Krillit Can Drill It!, a touching (not really) story about mole people.

Krillit the mole person.

Rikket the shrew person.
Krillit's Grammy Crammit
 Anty Lyon, tiny skeevy record producer.